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Distinguished Degree Holders

The distinguished ministers shown on this page are some of the most renowned preachers and teachers in the world today. Many are recognized throughout the entire world, but all of them are famous in heaven.

It has been the privilege of Life Christian University to recognize their published works, along with their lifetime ministry achievements in consideration for earned degrees from LCU. Doctorates in Ministry, Missiology, Theology and Philosophy are all earned degrees, recognized for the highest level of academics and spirituality.

LCU is honored to be associated with God's greatest ministry gifts given to the Body of Christ today.

"Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the Word and in teaching." — 1 Timothy 5:17
Dr. Kenneth Copeland
Ph.D. in Theology
Dr. Gloria Copeland
D.Min. in Theology
Dr. Joyce Meyer
Ph.D. in Theology
Andrew Wommack
Ph.D. in Theology
Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne
Doctor of Theology Th.D.
Jerry Savelle
Ph.D. in Theology
Dr. Benny Hinn
Ph.D. in Theology
Dr. Keith Moore
Ph.D. in Theology
Dr. Billye Brim
Ph.D. in Theology
Dr. Dennis Burke
Ph.D. in Theology
George Pearsons
Ph.D. in Theology
Terri Pearsons
D.Min. in Theology
Dr. Kynan Bridges
Ph.D. in Theology
David Barton
Ph.D. in Theology
Am. Christian History
Dr. Rick Renner
Ph.D. in Theology
Dr. E. L. Warren
Ph.D. in Theology
Dr. Norvel Hayes
Ph.D. in Theology
Dr. Larry Ollison
Ph.D. in Theology Doctor of Theology
Dr. Mike Francen
Ph.D. in Missionary Evangelism
Dr. Roberts Liardon
Ph.D. in Theology
Greg Stephens
D. Min. in Theology
Len Mink
Dr. of Sacred Music
Mylon LE Fever
Dr. of Sacred Music
John Joseph
D. Min in Theology
Robert Kayanja
Ph.D. in Theology
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